Hotel Villa Abbazia

Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy pursuant to Article 13 of (EU) Regulation No. 679/2016 (“GDPR”)

Abbazia SAS, as provided for by Italian privacy regulations and European Union Regulation No. 679/2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”) with particular reference to Article 13, protects the confidentiality of personal data and guarantees necessary protection against any event that may put it at risk of violation.

This document was designed on the basis of the principle of transparency and in accordance with all the requirements set by the GDPR. It is divided into individual sections each one dealing with a specific topic, in order to facilitate reading and understanding.

It should be noted that this document refers exclusively to those services which are directly provided and administered by Hotel Villa Abbazia. It does not concern, therefore, any other services provided by third parties, such as the room availability check web service which can be accessed from the websites and


The holder of data treatment, also called Data Controller, is the subject who determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, actually managing its collection and processing. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the Holder is ABBAZIA SAS - Hotel Villa Abbazia - Piazza IV Novembre, 3 - 31051 Follina (TV) in the person of its legal representative, who can be contacted at


Personal data is collected during interaction with our website; that is when, for example, a user contacts us to request information on our products and services, to make a reservation (for an hotel room or for a table at our restaurant), to subscribe to our newsletter and so on.


Abbazia SAS collects or receives, within the scope of its normal business activities and limited to them, the information listed in the following table:

Type of data
Common data relating to natural persons
name, surname, address, nationality, tax ID number, landline and mobile phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses
Data relating to the used booking methods
data which are essential to confirm a reservation within the provided services (accommodation, catering, auxiliary services)
Data relating to the methods of stay, limited to the provided services
arrival and departure dates and times, service preferences (room type, internet connection, optional accessories...), special requests and needs
Accounting data
data concerning economic relationships, due sums, payments…

Under no circumstances does Abbazia SAS request to provide any so called "sensitive data”, that is, according to the GDPR provisions (Art. 9), those personal data which may reveal racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, union memberships, health statuses, sexual habits or orientations, genetic or biometric information capable to uniquely identify a physical person.

Moreover, Abbazia SAS does not carry out any treatments based on automated decision making processes (such as, for example, profiling).


The acquired personal data will be processed and used for the following purposes:

1. satisfying requests for various kinds of information in relation to the provided services;

2. refining and accomplishing requested bookings and supplies, in relation to the provided services.

3. satisfying received requests by organizing any supply of services, in being or in the process of being defined;

4. fulfilling legal obligations, including accounting, administrative and tax obligations

5. protecting and possibly recovering credits, directly or through third parties (credit recovery agencies/companies) to whom the necessary data must be communicated

6. protect contractual rights

7. sending information communications regarding offers and events organized by Hotel Villa Abbazia and closely related to the relations established between the recipient and Abbazia SAS


With regard to the purposes referred to in numbers from 1 to 6 of the previous paragraph, the provision of data is mandatory, both in relation to legal obligations and because the data are necessary to comply with the contractual conditions and provide the requested services. In fact, a partial or incorrect provision of data may make it impossible to provide the requested services.

With regards to the purposes referred to in number 7 of the previous paragraph, the provision of data is optional. The interested party may decide not to provide consent, or to revoke it at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.


With regard to the purposes referred to in numbers from 1 to 6 of the previous paragraph, the provision of data is mandatory, both in relation to legal obligations and because the data are necessary to comply with the contractual conditions and provide the requested services. In fact, a partial or incorrect provision of data may make it impossible to provide the requested services.

With regards to the purposes referred to in number 7 of the previous paragraph, the provision of data is optional. The interested party may decide not to provide consent, or to revoke it at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.


The collected data, in the event that a request for services is followed by an actual supply, will be kept for a period of time not exceeding that strictly necessary to achieve the purposes indicated above. The data which is processed for strictly administrative and accounting purposes will however be kept, in compliance with legal obligations, for a period of time not exceeding ten years.


The collected data will be processed exclusively by authorized persons and by persons explicitly designated as Data Processors, in compliance with the GDPR, in order to correctly carry out all the activities necessary to pursue the purposes referred to in this Privacy Policy. The data may be disclosed to:

who is the recipient of communications necessary to fulfil the obligations deriving from contracts or relating to the supply of the requested services

who is the legitimate recipient of communications required by law or regulations (Public Offices and Authorities, Judicial Authorities ...)

companies and/or collaborators for the management of administrative services that Abbazia SAS uses to fulfil its own legal or contractual obligations other subjects (companies, firms, natural persons) who cooperate with Abbazia SAS in arranging and supplying services to customers No data deriving from the Abbazia SAS website is automatically disclosed or spreaded.

Furthermore, none of the third parties above referred to may use the data collected by ABBAZIA SAS for autonomous purposed or, anyway, for purposes other than those expected (such as, for example, direct marketing).


The owner of the data (the natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by means of those data) has at any time the right, pursuant to the articles of law 7 D.Lgs. 196/2003 and 15 GDPR, to have his data rectified or erased, access his data or obtain a copy of them (portability), object to a previously given data processing consent, complain to the supervisory authority, ask for compensation for damages, notify data breaches.

The owner also has the right to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of his data, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection.

The owner will be able to exercise the aforementioned rights by contacting Abbazia SAS in one of the two following ways:

traditional mail to

ABBAZIA SAS – Hotel Villa Abbazia - Piazza IV Novembre, 3 - 31051 Follina (TV)

e-mail to

The owner has also, anyway, the right to lodge a complaint with the suitable Italian control authority, “Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali”, whenever he/she believes that the data processing infringes the current Privacy Laws (art. 77 of the GDPR).

Nota well: la sezione seguente è da far completare da WIHP


Within the Internet and websites environment, a "cookie" is a small text file that is placed in the user's hard drive when accessing certain websites. One of the main aims consist in saving some information about the user's interaction with the website (for example, chosen options and operating modes) in order to "remember" them on subsequent visits. This technology is commonly used in most websites. Most of the cookies that are used on Abbazia SAS website are necessary to allow the user to fully take advantage of its features.

Cookie utilizzati

Cookie tecnici: si tratta di cookie impostati da un altro sito Web per consentire agli strumenti da loro forniti di funzionare.

Cookie analitici: il sito utilizza alcuni cookies per poter monitorare e misurare le performance e l’esperienza dei visitatori attraverso il software di analisi fornito da Google Analytics. Queste informazioni ci aiutano a migliorare il modo in cui funziona il nostro sito web. Questi dati del browser sono anonimi e non possono essere tracciati da singoli utenti. Per leggere la politica sulla privacy di Google, fare clic qui.

Cookie di terze parti: si tratta di cookie impostati da un altro sito Web per consentire agli strumenti da loro forniti di funzionare.

o Social media e mapping: il nostro sito Web potrà contenere snippet di contenuti da fonti esterne come YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tripadvisor o Google Maps. È possibile disabilitare questi cookie, ma ciò potrebbe causare il blocco degli strumenti.

Elenco dei Cookie utilizzati